
method books


CPD-accredited 3 year diploma course in vocal technique and artistry for beginner adult singers with support and training for teachers

100 lessons including comprehensive milestones and guides 

Substantially decrease lesson planning and admin time for teachers

Click below to schedule an online meeting to discuss becoming certified in one or more modules

Module 1 (1)
online singing teacher

method books (100 lessons)

During on-boarding, we will post useful materials to teach module 1; including booklets, a teaching guide, and progress trackers. Progress at your pace with your students to become certified in all 10 modules 


When I first started coaching, it was heartbreaking to see students crumble in front of strict examiners. I knew how much they had progressed. I knew what they had given to their craft and I knew that there must be another way.

That is why I developed an in-house scheme, whereby students and their coach could hit milestones together. This is a knowledgeable and skilled teacher navigating a path for a student to succeed and then sharing that celebration. 

Certificates come with all module booklets + the opportunity to add your brand logo (optional)

product module 1 (1)
badge (1)

teaching badge

Become a certified teacher (assessment required)

monthly support

Invitation to a monthly online meeting covering training, support and guidance for all certified users of the curriculum

Standby support to make sure you are confident with the materials and route for your students.

singing lessons luxembourg
online singing lesson

Digital format materials

Receive both physical and digital Module PDFs for working with f2f and online students. 

no limited rep

  • No Limitations on songs or repertoire
  • No requirement to read sheet music 
  • No external moderators
  • No formal exams 
singing lessons
"I am two lessons in... and I absolutely love experimenting with all of this cool stuff. It's great to find out why we're doing these exercises rather than just doing them. Learning to sing properly is something I wanted to do for ages so I'm really glad I went for it... Just wish I'd not put it off for so long!"
Nathalie John
The Voice as An Instrument
"I had written quite a few songs before starting the songwriting course so was not sure if it would be useful. How wrong can you be? Learning to recognise song structure and stepping out of my comfort zone really helped me create totally new material. I'm now recording already!"
"I loved Vocal Effects so much! Learning what I could safely do has been so much fun and brought so so much to the songs I love to sing. I didn't have the tools to articulate what singers were doing in songs, or how to re-create.. but now I do! It makes things so much easier!"
Vocal Effects

"With this journey of self-discovery and development, I have changed so much, both as a singer, artist and as a person in the years I have studied this programme with Laura"


The Artist's Voice

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